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WoodEye replaced by EBI at Kennebec Lumber Company

The well-known hardwood flooring manufacturer, Kennebec Lumber Company (Maine), has recently replaced its WoodEye scanner with the EBI high performance hardwood flooring scanner. Committed to producing top quality hardwood flooring, Kennebec Lumber allowed EBI to go through a concise consultation process, and accurate wood board tests, so that every inch of wood would be optimized by the end of the project according to Kennebec Lumber Co’s own quality standards and grading distribution.

The EBI hardwood flooring scanner was integrated (B)efore the moulding process in combination with handling and chop saw systems. In this major investment, EBI is taking care of the scanning, printing and communication protocol along with the automation and control part of the project. EBI Electric is lucky to count a prestigious hardwood flooring manufacturer such as Kennebec Lumber Company among its clients and wishes to thank the organization for its trust.

With the EBI scanner and its team that is passionate about hardwood flooring and component manufacturing, just like Kennebec Lumber Co., differentiate yourself as a quality hardwood flooring leader.

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