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Thermographie niveau 2 bannière
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Thermography Level 2

Detecting Abnormal Heating Sources and Preventing Accidents

Imagerie infrarouge panneau de contrôle

Electrical systems are the cause of many accidents and one must insure that electrical equipment is always in good state. Many fires in companies have been caused by electrical failures from old control panels where abnormal heating sources could have been detected via thermography. On a smaller scale, electrical failures that can be detected by thermography may cause power failures or affect the efficiency of manufacturing equipment. Those problems can all be avoided or predicted with regular thermography inspection. Since heating is often responsible for electrical circuit problems, inspecting control panels and electrical equipment (such as electric motors) is recommended to spot heating sources that could require the intervention of an electrican or service field technician. Better be safe than sorry. Thermography is even recommended by insurance companies among other activities of preventive maintenance.

Electrical Failure Causes

Thermography allows the detection of different types of electrical failures.

  • Wire or cable that is wrongly connected which causes inefficient contacts between conductors in a control panel

  • Conductor and connector premature wear or tear

  • Old control cabinets

  • Inadequate electrical service entry

  • Inadequate circuit breakers

  • Other abnormal heating sources

Thermography Advantages

Control the quality and the safety of your electrical equipment

  • Avoid paying high fees for emergency electrical troubleshooting in case of unexpected electrical failure

  • Decrease fire risks

  • Decrease insurance fees and remain conform with insurance recommendations

  • Save time and energy used to prioritize corrective activities in preventive maintenance plans

Contact us

Contact EBI's electricians or service technicians to schedule a thermography inspection. Our thermography analysis and reports are thorough. They will be explained to you in details and could be presented to your insurance company. Following our thermography inspection, if corrective actions are needed, EBI will be able to solve electrical problems or plan the application of recommended solutions. EBI Electric has been offering thermography services for many years and many of our customers have benefited from our expertise. Some of them even avoided accidents that would have been soon caused by electrical failures. Contact us to plan the visit of a specialized technician. 

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2250, 90e Rue
Saint-Georges (Québec), G5Y 7J7, Canada

Contact us :

Telephone: 418 228-5505
Toll free: 1 888 228-5505
Fax: 1 418 228-5630


Monday to Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. to noon

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